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Atheris ceratophora Care By Derek Morgan

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Atheris ceratophora Care By Derek Morgan Empty Atheris ceratophora Care By Derek Morgan

Post by LooseAFur Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:39 am

Atheris ceratophora Care By Derek Morgan Photo-ceratophora

Atheris ceratophora
Usambara Eyelash Bush Viper
VENOM TYPE: Hemotoxic
LD50: Unknown
Birth: 4 - 6 inches
Adult: 12 - 24 inches
RANGE: Usambara and Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania

Atheris ceratophora is a small-sized, mostly nocturnal and heavily arboreal species with maximum sizes ranging from 12 to 24 inches in length, with males being somewhat smaller than females. There is only one species recognized at this time with no subspecies. The body color is highly variable and there are a few color phases recognized, with the body color being anywhere from a uniform drab olive color, banded black and yellow, mottled green and black, to a very rare solid black phase. These animals are only rarely produced in captivity, and imported animals are typically quite drab and dirty when brought in, but then shed to reveal amazing colors. Litter sizes are quite small, with five babies being large. The scales are heavily keeled and when agitated, this species may rub or “rasp” their scales together to make a hissing sound to scare away potential predators. If that defense fails, this species is typically very quick to strike to defend itself and will do so repeatedly in quick succession. Tail tips are usually yellow or cream colored and are used for caudal luring by young animals. The tail is also prehensile and is used for grasping, and sometimes hanging from, branches to ambush unsuspecting prey. This bush viper gets its name from the 1-3 “horns” over each eye. The horns are actually modified scales that may act to disguise the location of the eye from predators, or may act to shield the eye in some fashion. This is a high-elevation species with particular husbandry needs.

It is recommended that all animals be caged individually, even though aggression and cannibalism have not been witnessed with this species. Males and females can be testy during breeding cycles and care should be taken to avoid any unnecessary bites. Tall, spacious cages are needed for this species to exhibit their natural arboreal tendencies, which is very high with this species, though the degree of arboreal time may vary from individual to individual. They have also been kept quite successfully in tubs in rack systems with just enough height given for the animals to get off of the floor of the cages. Being ambush predators, they can be quite inactive at times, but may roam their cages at night during other times. Contrary to previous information, I have witnessed all of my bush vipers drinking from water bowls and I supply one with fresh water at all times. Supplemental misting may be beneficial, especially to fresh imports not accustomed to the water bowl yet.

Environmental Conditions:
Substrate: Anything from newspaper to Repti Bark to cypress mulch has been used successfully with this species. Substrate typically comes down to keeper preferences, but cedar mulch should be avoided with all reptiles.

Hidespot: May be used more frequently by certain individuals, but not at all by others. I always offer a hide spot, whether it is a half-moon bark hide, or just a dense cluster of plastic plant leaves. Most animals will sit out in the open most of the time, but some may hide in leaf clusters during the day.

Humidity: Is somewhat variable in the wild with this species. Their natural habitat is elevated montane forest to 1400 meters, and they experience dry and wet seasons, but not to the extent of the lower elevation areas. While not quite considered a “cloud forest” species, this species does like it damper and cooler than some other species of Atheris.

Temperature: A thermal gradient should be offered, with the warm end of the enclosure in the upper 70’s (F) and the cool end in the upper to mid 60’s (F). Offer both a hidespot and a roost on both ends of the spectrum so that the snake doesn’t have to pick a proper roosting spot over the proper temperature that it wants to be in. Nighttime drops of 5-10 degrees are acceptable, if desired to do so.

Adult Pair of Atheris ceratophora. Photograph by Derek Morgan
In captivity, many bush vipers will feed to obesity, especially females. It’s far too easy for the keeper to eagerly feed an animal that so readily enjoys being fed, but this is usually to the detriment of the animals. Fat animals do not breed well and do not live long. Appropriately-sized rodents are the typical diet in captivity and they are higher in fat content than the frogs and lizards that make up most of their diet in the wild, so feed accordingly. Babies may be fed weekly to encourage rapid and healthy growth, but as they mature, feedings should decrease in frequency. I feed juveniles every 10-14 days and adults may go 3-5 weeks between feedings, depending on the time of year. Males may go off of food entirely for months at a time during the off season, but will feed regularly at other times of the year.

Neonates typically will take to baby mice (pinkies) with little problem, but some babies may be stubborn. The neonates are tiny and will need the pinkies cut into parts for them to feed on and may need to be tease fed. Tease feeding involves tapping the baby’s tail, body, or nose with the prey item in order to entice it to eat. Also, being nocturnal, problematic feeders may respond better to nighttime feedings.

While considered mildly venomous at one time, it has since been proven that Atheris bites in general are serious bites. There is no antivenin manufactured specifically for the species, but it has been reported that Echis polyvalent has been effective in treating bites of other Atheris species.

Courtesy of Derek Morgan

Posts : 28
Points : 5079
Join date : 2011-02-13
Age : 40
Location : Pennsylvania

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